Pay a Request Link

This script fulfills request links and completes them.

When receiving a link (after creation) it can be fulfilled with the same pair of token chain (or cross-chain), you will need your peanut api key (get one here!) and the following:

  • The request link you intend to pay

  • A way of doing transactions (in this simple example we use a private key wallet)

Simple example:

import peanut from '@squirrel-labs/peanut-sdk';
import { BigNumber, ethers } from 'ethers';

const userPrivateKey = 'SENDER-PRIVATE-KEY';

// Initialize provider and wallet
function getWallet(chainId: number, privateKey: string): ethers.Wallet  {
    return new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, ethers.getDefaultProvider(chainId)); // Connect wallet to the provider

// Function to fulfill a request link
async function fulfillRequestLink(link: string) {
    try {
        // Get the details of the request link
        const linkDetails = await peanut.getRequestLinkDetails({
            //apiUrl, //optional different apiUrl
        console.log('Got the link details!', linkDetails);

        // Prepare the unsigned transaction for fulfilling the request link
        const { unsignedTx } = peanut.prepareRequestLinkFulfillmentTransaction({
            recipientAddress: linkDetails.recipientAddress!,
            tokenAddress: linkDetails.tokenAddress,
            tokenAmount: linkDetails.tokenAmount,
            tokenDecimals: linkDetails.tokenDecimals,
            tokenType: peanut.interfaces.EPeanutLinkType.erc20,
        console.log('Prepared unsigned transaction', unsignedTx);

        // Sign and submit the transaction
        const signer = getWallet(Number(linkDetails.chainId), userPrivateKey)
        const { tx, txHash } = await peanut.signAndSubmitTx({
            structSigner: {
                gasLimit: BigNumber.from(2_000_000),
        console.log('Submitted transaction with tx hash', txHash);
        await tx.wait();
        console.log('Request link fulfillment completed!');

        await peanut.submitRequestLinkFulfillment({
          chainId: linkDetails.chainId,
          hash: txHash,
          payerAddress: signer.address,
          amountUsd: '',
          //apiUrl, // optional differnt apiUrl

    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fulfilling request link:', error);

(async () => {
    // Fulfill the request link
    await fulfillRequestLink(link);

Last updated