Create NFT Link

Want to send an NFT through a link? Have a look here how you can!

For ERC721

The following example shows how you can create an NFT Link that holds an ERC721 token type.

import peanut, { getDefaultProvider } from '@squirrel-labs/peanut-sdk'
import { Wallet } from 'ethersv5'

const chainId = '11155111' // Sepolia
const mnemonic = 'announce room limb pattern dry unit scale effort smooth jazz weasel alcohol'

async function createLink(): Promise<string | null> {
	let wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)

	const provider = await getDefaultProvider(chainId)
	wallet = wallet.connect(provider)

	const linkDetails:{
          chainId: chainId,
          tokenAddress: [ERC721 token address],
          tokenAmount: 1,
          tokenType: 2,    // 2 is for ERC721 tokens
          tokenId: [NFT tokenID]

	const password = await peanut.getRandomString(16)

	const preparedTransactions = await peanut.prepareDepositTxs({
		address: wallet.address,
		passwords: [password],

	const transactionHashes: string[] = []

	for (const unsignedTx of preparedTransactions.unsignedTxs) {
		const convertedTx = peanut.peanutToEthersV5Tx(unsignedTx)

		const signedTx = await wallet.sendTransaction(convertedTx)


	const { links } = await peanut.getLinksFromTx({
		passwords: [password],
		txHash: transactionHashes[transactionHashes.length - 1],
	return links[0]

createLink().then((link) => console.log(link))

For ERC1155:

The following example shows how you can create an NFT Link that holds an ERC1155 token type.

import peanut, { getDefaultProvider } from '@squirrel-labs/peanut-sdk'
import { Wallet } from 'ethersv5'

const chainId = '11155111' // Sepolia
const mnemonic = 'announce room limb pattern dry unit scale effort smooth jazz weasel alcohol'

async function createLink(): Promise<string | null> {
	let wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)

	const provider = await getDefaultProvider(chainId)
	wallet = wallet.connect(provider)

	const linkDetails:{
          chainId: chainId,
          tokenAddress: [ERC1155 token address],
          tokenAmount: 1,
          tokenType: 3,    // 3 is for ERC1155 tokens
          tokenId: [NFT tokenID]

	const password = await peanut.getRandomString(16)

	const preparedTransactions = await peanut.prepareDepositTxs({
		address: wallet.address,
		passwords: [password],

	const transactionHashes: string[] = []

	for (const unsignedTx of preparedTransactions.unsignedTxs) {
		const convertedTx = peanut.peanutToEthersV5Tx(unsignedTx)

		const signedTx = await wallet.sendTransaction(convertedTx)


	const { links } = await peanut.getLinksFromTx({
		passwords: [password],
		txHash: transactionHashes[transactionHashes.length - 1],
	return links[0]

createLink().then((link) => console.log(link))

Last updated